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Returning to the Twin Worlds

It has been quite a while since last I posted, and I must admit that the more time passed, the more I felt guilty at letting the site languish. But at the same time, I was concerned too much time had passed, and the momentum had dissipated. And other things - work and family life, primarily - required my attention, leaving me with less energy to focus on this.

So what has changed? Perhaps simply that I decided not to let that make the decision for me. This universe is very dear to me, and I continuously work on it, add to it, and develop it behind the scenes. Perhaps what you see here is just a glimpse of what I have made, but even so, I don't want that glimpse to wink out.

There are books I announced that I haven't released yet. They will be released. Ghostblood first, then Leaves. After that... three stories compete for my attention, and part of what has kept me away has been the fact that all three are advancing slowly, each of them calling to me at different times. I need to focus more and ensure one is over before I move to the next one.

Admittedly this post is rambling a bit, but I feel the need to apologize for vanishing for too long. It is something that always irked me with authors I followed in the past, made all the worse by a lack of explanation or apologies. The real world intrudes, and sometimes we can't do anything else but answer, no matter what it means. But that being said, I had the opportunity to let you, the readers, know, and I didn't take it.

I'm trying to change that. I'm back, and hope to remain here from now on. The Cosmoneiron, the Twin Worlds, deserve better, and I'll do what I can do give it to them.

Thank you.

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